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Why Is the Best Credit Repair Company in the Industry?

According to a recent study conducted by the Federal Trade Commission, over $1 billion is lost each year to identity theft and fraud around the world. How much would you pay to keep yourself away from becoming a part of that statistic? Would it be worth the money if any hard work during the credit repair was done for you? Luckily, provides professional and manual credit repair to clients at an affordable price. Competitively speaking, is the best credit repair company to combat the issue of identity theft and fraud for a number of reasons:

·         Clients benefit from a unique, labor-intensive technique that has been proven to work.

·         Disputes are hand-written to beat OCR Scanners.

·         The process typically takes client just three to six weeks to complete satisfactorily.

· continues to re-submit disputes with FTC, creditors, and credit bureaus until the job is done.

·         Clients are walked through the process step-by-step, receiving help with everything from choosing the most effective credit repair services to assistance filing a police report.

How Does the Manual Credit Repair Work During the Fast-Track Credit Sweep at

For more information on how the manual credit sweep at works, visit the website or contact a customer service agent via phone, email, or Live Chat.  Professionals are on standby 24/7 to help with your identity theft-related credit repair needs.


Deletion Expert